14:23 PM

Burnout Survey Launches Aug. 23, 2022

On Aug. 23, all employees hired by June 30, received an invitation to complete a burnout survey. The survey is available to complete from now to Sept. 13. Please read below to learn more.

As you may recall, this survey was initially planned to launch earlier in the year, but we postponed it due to several factors including rising COVID numbers, the Joint Commission visit, and staffing issues. We care about you and your well-being and we feel we can no longer delay this important survey.

Strengthening the health of our workforce is certainly a concern and a priority at Cook Children’s, which is why we have made it a strategic goal. To achieve this goal though, we first need to hear from you.

burnout or cape story that employee wrote Why do we need a survey?

For most of us, this is a time of extraordinary struggle and upheaval. Health care is changing rapidly, creating stress and, ultimately, burnout for employees at all levels and across all functions. The pandemic has accelerated the problem.

You may be wondering, “Why do we need to complete a survey when everyone knows we are experiencing burnout?”

While completing the survey is voluntary, your feedback is critical. The survey results and findings will give us a detailed snapshot of where we are at this present moment in regards to burnout within the system, and will help us prioritize and implement targeted initiatives. Simply put, we need to hear from our employees to know how big the problem is and what areas are currently the most impacted by burnout.

It’s vital in helping us make very important decisions to assist you and everyone else at Cook Children’s. 

What exactly is burnout?

Burnout is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion. It can occur when you experience long-term stress in your job, or when you have worked in a physically or emotionally draining role for a long time. Burnout does not refer to experiences in other areas of life, only in your work life.

What help is available to me now?

While we look forward to seeing the results of the survey, many of us are struggling right now.

Please know we have built an initial set of resources to help you through a difficult time. Click here to review the resources available to you now. Many are no cost to you and are confidential. According to the survey results, we will continuously work on developing these resources to better meet our employees’ needs.

Please focus on your wellbeing and take this time to care for yourself!

How will the survey work?

We will use the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) & Areas of Worklife Survey (AWS) – the gold standard for measuring burnout.

●        The confidential survey will be sent from Mind Garden, a third party vendor, as an External Email with a green approved vendor tag on the invitation.

●        It takes approximately 20 minutes to complete and does not have to be done all at once.

●        You can work on the survey, save your progress and return to it when you have the time.

●        The survey will be open 24/7 until September 13th at 11:59 PM.

Who will see the results?

The survey will provide each participant a confidential personal report about their own situation. Each person will receive this individualized report in their email shortly after completing the online survey. Nobody else will receive your individual report, and the report is not accessible to anyone but you. Cook Children’s is highly committed to preserving confidentiality in all aspects of this data collection process. After the survey closes, executive leaders will receive a de-identified summary of the combined results for their area.

What are we going to do with the results?

Cook Children’s is making serious efforts to make our chosen careers in health care the rewarding endeavor we all envisioned and not the frustrating challenge that, for far too many, it has become. The results of the survey will be used to build data-driven strategies and associated interventions aimed at preventing and addressing burnout at the individual, team and organizational level.

Please take this opportunity to help Cook Children’s improve your experience.