09:20 AM

Cook Children's Earns Second Place in Texas' Healthiest Employer Ranking for Employee Well-being Efforts

By Detavious Hill

healthiest employersWe are so thrilled to receive the distinction of being ranked the Second Healthiest Employer in Texas serving 5,000 to 9,999 employees. Healthiest Employers® is an award program that recognizes and celebrates organizations focused on taking a proactive approach to improving their employees' health and well-being.

At Cook Children's, taking care of our employees is a top priority because we know that employees can serve our patient families best when they feel healthy, happy and strong. To be acknowledged of our dedication to our employees, specifically for our Healthy Me Wellness Program is outstanding.

Healthy Me is Cook Children’s voluntary employee wellness initiative to create an overall culture of health and wellness for all of our employees. The program offers a range of unique benefits available to all employees, including our onsite 24/7 fitness center called the Wellness Zone, making it convenient to incorporate exercise into everyone’s daily routine. The Wellness Zone is staffed with fitness experts who offer group exercise classes and personalized fitness assessments, enhancing the overall wellness experience. Within the last year, 47% of our employees have participated in 589,222 workouts.

Beyond physical health benefits, the Wellness Zone also plays a crucial role in supporting employees' mental well-being, with yoga classes seven days a week. The Healthy Me program also includes webinars about burnout and stress, financial planning, and healthy eating, and maintains a wellness room where employees can take a break and relax with adult coloring books, journals and other resources.

Cook Children's would not be able to provide amazing services without its employees. Very special thank you to our Healthy Me Wellness Program team for all they do to support all 9,000 employees. Your work does not go unnoticed or underappreciated!