11:43 AM

Prosper Lab Passes First CAP Inspection

Prosper lab CAP

Six months after opening, the Lab at Prosper surpassed all expectations, according to Amanda Pulley, Lab Operation Manager and Shalon Pescalia, Technical Supervisor. The team worked together to prepare and pass their first College of American Pathologists (CAP) Inspection – the gold standard for hospital labs to become CAP accredited.

CAP requirements commonly exceed the standards to elevate patient care and safety. Amanda said their team has been involved with implementing workflows and best practices while holding each other accountable from day one of the Lab being open.

“The inspection preparation truly was a team building exercise,” Amanda said. “There is no way we could have done this ourselves. It was amazing to see everyone step up, take ownership of it and run with it.”

On July 13, a group of six CAP inspectors arrived for the full-day inspection. As the inspectors started going over the regulatory checklist to make sure the laboratory fulfilled all standards, Amanda, Shalon and the team were ready. Every practice, policy and procedure had to be current and followed consistently. To mention a few, they audited all the maintenance, quality control, training and validation documentation across every department to ensure that appropriate procedures were in place. The staff was able to respond appropriately when questions or requests for proof to demonstrate compliance were made.

“It was rewarding to see our team grow into their roles even more through this process,” Amanda said. “Watching them be successful and seeing their confidence meant a lot to me as a leader.”

Shalon agreed and noted they could not provide the high quality of care that they do without every person on the team performing in their roles. 

“We are lucky to have them as we continue to maintain CAP compliance and work to improve our processes.”